Patients info

Mr and Mrs R were trying for 4 years . She had undergone 6 IUI H but Failed. They came to know about Xenith advanced fertility centre Through Google Reviews and wished to consult Dr Mamta Dighe for her opinion.


Medical tests and Treatment at Xenith

The couple’s history was taken, and they underwent all fertility tests. Although the semen analysis showed a normal report, Dr Mamta decided to evaluate Mr S  further considering the previous failed IUI. The husband was diagnosed to have GROSS VARICOCELE. The sperm DFI was also high. The option of varicocele surgery, sperm sorting techniques and using sperms from the testis in view of high DFI and gross varicocele were discussed with the couple. 

Decision was taken to perform TESA for Mr S. 

Wife was found to have PCOS.  On detailed discussion with the couple, the decision was made to go for IVF.

IVF cycle was done. Good number of excellent quality embryos were formed with ICSI after using a different technique for using viable sperm considering the male history . All the embryos were frozen. Pt underwent two frozen embryo transfers with good blastocysts, but was not successful. We had to think further as the reason for failure was not ascertained. Decision was taken to undergo ERA. 

ERA revealed a shift in the window of implantation. After adjusting the embryo transfer as per ERA we finally achieved a pregnancy. It was a difficult and long journey for the couple, but the couple had faith in Dr Mamta and team Xenith. 

Treatment Outcome

The pregnancy went very well and the couple was blessed with a healthy and fine baby.

The couple expressed happiness that they succeeded in the journey of parenthood. They are in deep gratitude with Dr Mamta Dighe and the whole staff of Xenith for excellent support and guidance in their entire fertility journey.

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