Frozen Embryo Transfer Treatment Cycle (FETC)

It is common during IVF/ICSI treatment for more embryos to be produced than are required at the time. Good quality embryos remaining after the initial embryo transfer can be successfully frozen and stored.

What is frozen embryo transfer (FET)?

Frozen embryo transfer (FET) also known as frozen embryo replacement (FER), consists of the thawing of embryos which were frozen during previous IVF or related treatment, and the replacing of them in the uterine cavity at the appropriate time of the menstrual cycle.

Frozen Embryo Transfer Treatment Cycle (FETC)

Why freeze embryos?

It is important to note that about 50% of patients will have surplus embryos suitable for freezing. The initial maximum duration of storage is 10 years, although this can be extended in certain circumstances. About 85% of embryos survive the freeze/thaw process and maintain their viability.
There could be several reasons why you would want to freeze your embryos.

When are the embryos thawed?

The embryos are thawed on the day implantation is to take place. In certain cases, embryos that are frozen on day 3 are thawed and cultured for 2 days and a day 5 or blastocyst transfer is then performed. However, frozen embryo treatment starts 2 to 3 weeks prior to implantation. Doctors will prescribe oral medication during this time to prepare the lining of your uterus. Just before the implantation you may need to take hormone injections.

Frozen embryos vs fresh embryos

There is no significant difference in the pregnancy success rates between fresh and frozen embryos when embryo transfer is done after careful assessment and individualization. For some women, frozen embryo transfer treatment may often result in higher success rates than fresh embryo transfer because it gives the doctor opportunity to optimize the uterus environment to make it more receptive for pregnancy. Success also depends on the maternal age at the time of embryo freezing and several other factors

A study of fresh vs frozen embryos published in the New England Journal states, “Elective frozen embryo transfer has been shown to result in a higher live-birth rate than fresh-embryo transfer among anovulatory women with the polycystic ovary syndrome.”

The embryo transfer takes place approximately 3-5 days after the egg has been retrieved and mixed with sperm for fertilization to take place. The fresh or frozen embryos can be then implanted into the uterus.

The actual implantation is conducted the same way for both fresh and frozen embryo transfer.

Frozen embryo transfer cost

Xenith offers the best frozen embryo transfer treatment in PCMC, Pune. The cost for hormone replacement frozen embryo treatment may be slightly more than a natural cycle, but is the most commonly used method for preparing the uterine lining during FET. Our cost includes monitoring, hormonal support and the actual transfer costs. At Xenith Advanced Fertility Centre we make the cost as effective as possible for couples.