Mr. and Mrs. J  were unable to bear a child despite trying multiple doctors and treatments for 5 years. They had tried multiple cycles of ovulation monitoring and IUI as well as one IVF. Determined to become parents, the hopeful couple visited the Xenith Advanced Fertility centre. 

Treatment pre-work at Xenith :

A few pre-IVF tests were conducted for the couple. Mrs. J had a blood workup and an ultrasound. Looking at prior history, Mr. J was advised semen analysis and sperm DNA fragmentation Index (DFI) test. DNA fragmentation test calculates the DNA fragmentation Index (DFI). This indicates the percentage of damaged DNA in sperm. i.e. higher the value, poorer the test outcome.

The results of these tests showed that Mrs. J had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Mr. J was diagnosed with poor sperm DNA integrity inspite of normal semen analysis

Treatment at Xenith:

With high DFI value, Dr Mamta Dighe suggested IVF with using a sperm sorting technique to help them to choose the highest quality sperm, followed by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). Mrs. J was then stimulated through hormonal injections. This subsequently resulted in 16 oocytes. ICSI was performed on these oocytes, and this lead to the formation of 15 good quality embryos which were frozen. In the next cycle, Frozen embryo transfer was done. 2 blastocyst embryos were transferred to her uterus.

Treatment Outcome:

After 15 days, her beta-hCG test was positive. Everything went well, as expected, during the pregnancy period, and the couple was blessed with their own child.

While male infertility is now as prominent as female infertility is, the advancements in medical sciences too have consistently improved over time. When male infertility is caused by poor quality sperms, modern technology allows us to look for and select the best and the healthiest sperm for ICSI thereby increasing the chances of pregnancy.  Advanced ART technique like SPERM SORTING DISHES helps improve the success rates of IVF.