Menstruation, also known as period, is the release of blood and tissue from the uterus lining through the vagina. The egg is released from the ovary every 28 days on average and if the egg isn’t fertilized by sperm, the…
Every woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have in her whole life and they lie dormant in the ovaries. During each menstrual cycle, some of these immature eggs will mature with usually only one egg being…
Often, living a healthy lifestyle usually begins once a woman finds out that she is pregnant. Preconception is the time before the sperm fertilizes the egg and so preconception age is usually the period of time between the decision to…
Breastfeeding involves feeding a baby human milk from the breast. Breast Milk provides the ideal nutrition with proper combinations of fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, antibodies and various other things. The breast milk could be fed directly from the breast or…